
JLMBC Regular Meeting



(1) Call to Order     

(2) Public Comments


(3) Minutes - Recommendation to approve minutes of the February 1, 2024
regular meeting.

(4) Committee Report 24-23: Staffing Reimbursements for Third Quarter of
Fiscal Year 23-24
–  That the JLMBC approve: (a)  reimbursements from the
Employee Benefits Trust Fund for Personnel Department salary costs of
staff providing administrative support of the LAwell Program in the total
amount of $144,930.21, inclusive of the third quarter of fiscal year 2023-
and (b) reimbursements from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund/Wellness
sub-account for Personnel Department salary costs of staff providing
administrative support of the LIVEwell Wellness Program in the total
amount of $78,279.52, inclusive of the third quarter of fiscal year 2023-


(5) Committee Report 24-24: 2025 LAwell Plan Adoption  – That the JLMBC
take the following actions:

A. Annual Service Providers – Recommend to the Personnel Department
General Manager approval of 2025 LAwell Program benefit service
providers as follows:

(1) Kaiser Permanente (Kaiser) for 2025 renewal of the Staff Model
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) (5.06% increase).

(2) Anthem Blue Cross (Anthem) for 2025 renewal of the Non-Staff
Model health plans as follows:

a.     Preferred Provider Option (PPO) (11.9% increase),

b.     Narrow Network HMO (11.9% increase),

c.      Full Network HMO (11.9% increase), and

d.     Vivity HMO (11.9% increase) plans.

(3) Delta Dental (Delta) for the 2025 renewal of dental plans as follows:

a.     Dental PPO (no premium change),

b.     DHMO (no premium change), and

c.      Preventive (no premium change) plans.

(4) Anthem for the 2025 renewal of the Blue View Vision Plan (no
premium change).

(5) MetLife for 2025 plan year as the selected bidder of a Request for
Proposals to provide basic, supplemental, and dependent Life
Insurance (Premium change variable) plans, subject to successful
contract negotiations.

(6) MetLife for 2025 plan year as the selected bidder of a Request for
Proposals to provide short-term and long-term Disability benefit
(Premium change variable) plans, subject to successful contract

(7) MetLife for 2025 plan year as the selected bidder of a Request for
Proposals to provide Accidental Death and Dismemberment
(Premium change variable) plans, subject to successful contract

(8) Optum for 2025 renewal of the Support Plus - Employee and
Family Assistance Program (EFAP) (3% rate increase).

(9) Ameriflex for 2025 plan year as the selected bidder of a Request
for Proposals to provide Tax-Advantaged Spending Accounts (17%
premium decrease).

B. Program Design Changes – Approve the following recommended
Program Design Changes from staff for Plan Year 2025:

(1)  Basic Employee Life Insurance

a. Increase the employer paid basic life insurance benefit from
$5,000 for half-time employees and $10,000 for full-time
employees to $25,000 for half-time employees and $50,000 for
full-time employees

b. Remove the age reduction component

(2)  Supplemental Employee Life Insurance

a. Increase benefit election options from up to 5x annual salary to
up to 7x annual salary, not to exceed $1 million in coverage

b. Remove the age reduction component

(3)  Dependent Life Insurance

a.  Increase benefit election options for spouse/domestic partner
from $100,000 to up to $250,000

b. Remove the age reduction component applied to
spouse/domestic partner insurance

c. Increase benefit election options for child from $5,000 up to

(4) Basic Disability Insurance

a. Increase the monthly basic disability maximum benefit amount
by $1,370 from $3,630 to $5,000.

b. Include IOD pay to the Benefit Waiting Period for employees
on approved Workers Compensation leave.

(5) Supplemental Disability Insurance

a. Include IOD pay to the Benefit Waiting Period for employees
on approved Workers Compensation leave.

(6) Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance

a. Revise the application of dependent benefits

b. Remove the age reduction component

(7) Healthcare Flexible Spending Accounts

a. Increase the annual maximum contribution for the HFSA by
$150 from $3,050 to $3,200.


C. Proposed Expenditure change for Fiscal Year – Receive and note
information regarding the projected LAwell Program expenditure
changes for Calendar Year 2025


D. Adoption of 2025 LAwell Program – Request that the Personnel
Department transmit a report from the JLMBC Chairperson and Vice-
Chairperson to the City Council for recommended adoption of the 2025
LAwell Program.  

(6) Committee Report 24-25: HRP Update and Possible LAwell Plan Rule
– That the JLMBC:

a) Receive and Note this update on staffs work with the HRP transition

b) Receive and Note the proposed change to administrative procedures
inclusive of the temporary delay in providing new hire and rehire
benefit offers and processing benefit terminations.

c) Adopt a temporary suspension to LAwell eligibility rules regarding
Hours worked for Pay Period Ending June 29, 2024 and July 13, 2024

d) Adopt a temporary suspension of bill collection should the number
of required billings exceed the threshold for Pay Period Ending June
29, 2024 and July 13, 2024

e) Consider enacting a premium holiday for those who successfully had
deductions taken on Pay Period Ending June 29, 2024 and July 13,
2024 to be enacted at a later date, should the number of employees
not paid exceed a specific threshold.

f) Report back to the JLMBC at its August 1, 2024 meeting on the status
of LAwell and any need to continue temporary suspension of LAwell
rules and administrative practice changes, and the actual application
of a premium holiday.


(7) Committee Report 24-26: Projects and Activities Update – Report
regarding LAwell Program activities for the months of April and May


(8) Request for Future Agenda Items

(9) Next Regular Meeting Dates:

●       July 4, 2024 – MEETING CANCELED (City Holiday)

●       August 1, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live
broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

●       September 5, 2024 – MEETING CANCELED

●       October 3, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live
broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public

(10) Adjournment

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JLMBC Special Meeting



(1)       Call to Order     

(2)       Public Comments  


(3)    Committee Report 24-22: Joint Request for Proposal for Life, Disability, and Accident Insurance Services Findings and Recommendation -

That the JLMBC Recommend

a. to the General Manager of the Personnel Department that MetLife be selected as the provider of the LAwell Program’s Basic and Supplemental Employee, and Dependent Life Insurance Services for a three-year contract beginning January 1, 2025 through December a.     31, 2027 with an option for up to two additional one-year terms, pending successful negotiations by the Personnel Department with MetLife for, at minimum, contract requirements, prices/premiums, and service level agreements.

b. to the General Manager of the Personnel Department that MetLife be selected as the provider of the LAwell Program’s Short/Long-Term Disability Insurance Services for a three-year contract beginning January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2027 with an option for up to two additional one-year terms, pending successful negotiations by the Personnel Department with MetLife for, at minimum, contract requirements, prices/premiums, and service level agreements.

c. to the General Manager of the Personnel Department that MetLife be selected as the provider of the LAwell Program’s Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Services for a three-year contract beginning January 1, 2025 through December 31, 2027 with an option for up to two additional one-year terms, pending successful negotiations by the Personnel Department with MetLife for, at minimum, contract requirements, prices/premiums, and service level agreements.

d. staff report back to the JLMBC with plan design choice recommendations for service enhancements for its Life, Disability, and Accident Insurance to be implemented for plan year 2025.


(4)       Request for Future Agenda Items

(5)       Next Regular Meeting Dates:

  • June 6, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live
    broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

  • July 4, 2024 – MEETING CANCELED (City Holiday)

  • August 1, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

(6)       Adjournment

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JLMBC Special Meeting



(1) Call to Order     

(2) Public Comments  


(3) Committee Report 24-21: Health and Dependent Care Spending Accounts Services Request for Proposal Findings and Recommendation -That the JLMBC Recommend to the General Manager of the Personnel Department that Ameriflex be selected as the administrator of the LAwell Program’s Health and Dependent Care Spending Account Services for a three-year contract beginning January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027, with an option for up to two additional one-year terms, pending successful negotiations by the Personnel Department with Ameriflex for, at minimum, contract requirements, prices/premiums, and service level agreements.


(4) Request for Future Agenda Items

(5) Next Regular Meeting Dates:

●       June 6, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live
broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

●       July 4, 2024 – MEETING CANCELED (City Holiday)

●       August 1, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live
broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

(6)         Upcoming Planned Special Meeting Dates:

●       May 16, 2024 – Special Meeting (In-Person with live
broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

(7)        Adjournment

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JLMBC Regular Meeting



(1) Call to Order     

(2) Public Comments


(3) Committee Report 24-20: LAwell Program 2025 Service Provider Renewal Update Update regarding the status of service provider renewals and the proposed plan of adoption for the LAwell Program’s 2025 service year 

(4) (Continued Item from the April 4, 2024 Meeting) Committee Report 24-17: Disability Claim Report – Report back regarding recent disability claim statistics for LAwell Program members.


(5) Request for Future Agenda Items  

(6) Next Regular Meeting Dates:

●       June 6, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live
broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

●       July 4, 2024 – MEETING CANCELED (City Holiday)

●       August 1, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live
broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public) 

 (7)  Upcoming Planned Special Meeting Dates:

●       May 16, 2024 – Special Meeting (In-Person with live
broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

 (8) Adjournment

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JLMBC Regular Meeting



(1)      Call to Order     

(2)      Public Comments



(3)      Minutes – Recommendation to approve minutes of the January 4, 2024 regular meeting.

(4)      Committee Report 24-16: New Hire Benefits Eligibility – That the JLMBC direct staff to develop a proposal for changing LAwell Program Plan Rules and allow newly hired or rehired employees to elect benefits on their first day of employment as a plan rule change for LAwell Plan Year 2025.  


(5)     PRESENTATION – Presentation of the Workday Human Resource and Payroll System

(6)     BENEFITS PROVIDER PRESENTATION – Presentation from TELUS Health regarding the 2024 Open Enrollment debrief, services performance, and planned enhancements.

(7)    PRESENTATION – Presentation from Keenan & Associates regarding healthcare trends and cost management.

(8)      Committee Report 24-17: Disability Claim Report – Report back regarding recent disability claim statistics for LAwell Program members.

(9)      Committee Report 24-18: Human Resource and Payroll (HRP) Project Update – Report regarding the progress of the HRP Project transition and its impact on staff and LAwell Program participants.

(10)   Committee Report 24-19: Projects and Activities Report – Report regarding LAwell Program activities for the month of March 2024.


(11)       Request for Future Agenda Items

(12)      Next Regular Meeting Dates:

  • May 2, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

  • June 6, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

(13)       Upcoming Planned Special Meeting Dates:

  • May 16, 2024 – Special Meeting for RFP (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

(14)      Adjournment

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JLMBC Regular Meeting



(1)      Call to Order     

(2)      Public Comments



(3)      Minutes – Recommendation to approve minutes of the September 7, 2023 and November 2, 2023 regular meetings.

(4)      Committee Report 24-13: 2024 International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans (IFEBP) Annual Conference  –  That the JLMBC approve the necessary funding from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund for any interested JLMBC members and staff to attend the November 2024 IFEBP conference either virtually or in-person in San Diego, California.


(5)      BENEFITS PROVIDER PRESENTATION – Presentation from Dental Insurance provider Delta Dental regarding utilization of the LAwell Programs’ Preventative, DHMO, and PPO dental insurance plans and its current and future outreach and education efforts.

(6)      ORAL PRESENTATION – Oral presentation from City Attorney regarding Brown Act compliance.

(7)      Committee Report 24-14: Human Resource and Payroll (HRP) Project Update - Report regarding the progress of the HRP Project transition and its impact on staff and LAwell Program participants.

(8)      Committee Report 24-15: Projects and Activities Report - Report regarding LAwell Program activities for the month of February 2024.



(9)       Request for Future Agenda Items

(10)      Next Regular Meeting Dates:

  •  April 4, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

  • May 2, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

(11)       Upcoming Planned Special Meeting Dates:

  • May 16, 2024 – Special Meeting for RFP (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

 (12)      Adjournment

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JLMBC Regular Meeting



(1) Call to Order     

(2) Public Comments



(3) Minutes – Recommendation to approve minutes of the July 6, 2023 and August 3, 2023 regular meetings.

(4) Committee Report 24-07: Staffing Reimbursements for Second Quarter of Fiscal Year 23-24 –  That the JLMBC approve: (a)  reimbursements from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund for Personnel Department salary costs of staff providing administrative support of the LAwell Program in the total amount of $140,313.66, inclusive of the second quarter of fiscal year 2023-24; and (b) reimbursements from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund/Wellness sub-account for Personnel Department salary costs of staff providing administrative support of the LIVEwell Wellness Program in the total amount of $42,382.59, inclusive of the second quarter of fiscal year 2023-24.

Committee Report 24-08: Update on Medical Plans Request For Proposal Consideration That the JLMBC: (a) request the Ad-Hoc Medical Plan Subcommittee to continue its efforts regarding Medical Insurance Plan Options for Plan Year 2026; and (b) direct staff and its consultants, Keenan & Associates, to begin discussions with Anthem Blue Cross and Kaiser Permanente for a one-year contract extension for Plan Year 2025.

(6) Committee Report 24-09: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Compliance Officer That the JLMBC approve the necessary funding from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund (Fund 899) for a Senior Benefits Analyst I position to be added as a regular position authority to serve the LAwell Program as its HIPAA Compliance Officer.



(7)  BENEFITS PROVIDER PRESENTATION – Presentation from Support Plus Employee and Family Assistance Program (Support Plus EFAP) provider Optum regarding utilization of the Support Plus EFAP and its current and future outreach and education efforts.


(8) Committee Report 24-10: Update on LIVEwell Program Transition - Report updating the work of the LIVEwell program and the implementation of Virgin Pulse as the new Third Party Administrator.


(9) Committee Report 24-11: Human Resource and Payroll (HRP) Project Update - Report regarding the progress of the HRP Project transition and its impact on staff and LAwell Program participants.


(10) Committee Report 24-12: Projects and Activities Report - Report regarding LAwell Program activities for the months of November 2023 through January 2024.



(11) Request for Future Agenda Items

(12) Next Regular Meeting Dates:

  • March 7, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

  • April 4, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

 (13) Adjournment

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JLMBC Regular Meeting




(1) Call to Order     


(2) Public Comments




(3) Committee Report 24-01: Election of Officers –  Recommendation that the JLMBC: (a) conduct plan year 2024 officer elections for Chairperson (Management), Vice-Chairperson (Labor), First Provisional Chair (Management), and Second Provisional Chair (Labor); and (b) note and file the proposed meetings schedule for calendar year 2024.

(4) Committee Report 24-02: Health and Dependent Care Spending Accounts RFP–That the JLMBC approve: (a) the proposed Request for Proposal (RFP) for Health and Dependent Care Spending Account services, subject to final approval by the City Attorney; and (b) the proposed “Pledge Form Regarding Conflict-of-Interest, Confidentiality and Proposer Communications” for use by JLMBC members (voluntary) and City staff (mandatory) involved in the Health and Dependent Care Spending Account Services development and review process.

Committee Report 24-03: Joint Request for Proposals for Life, Disability, and Accident Insurance Plans That the JLMBC approve: (a) the proposed joint Request for Proposal for: (i) Basic and Supplemental Employee, and Dependent Life Insurance, (ii) Short/Long-Term Disability Insurance, and  (iii) Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance Plans, to be called the Joint Life, Disability, and Accident Insurance Request for Proposal, subject to final approval by the City Attorney; and (b) execution of the “Pledge Form Regarding Conflict-of-Interest, Confidentiality and Proposer Communications” for use by JLMBC members (voluntary) and City staff (mandatory) involved in the Joint Life, Disability, and Accident Insurance Request for Proposal development and review process.


(6) Committee Report 24-04: Staffing Reimbursements for First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2023-24 – That the JLMBC approve (a) reimbursements from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund for Personnel Department salary costs of staff providing administrative support of the LAwell Program in the total amount of $138,707.32, inclusive of the first quarter of fiscal year 2023-24; and (b) reimbursements from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund/Wellness sub-account for Personnel Department salary costs of staff providing administrative support of the LIVEwell Wellness Program in the total amount of $102,905.81, inclusive of the first quarter of fiscal year 2023-24.



(7) BENEFITS PROVIDERS PRESENTATION OVERVIEW – Brief introduction presentations from LAwell Program vendors Anthem Blue Cross, Blue View Vision, Delta Dental, Health Equity/Wageworks, Kaiser Permanente, Optum, Standard Insurance Company, TELUS Health, and Virgin Pulse. 


(8) Committee Report 24-05: Medical Plans Survey - Report updating the work of the Medical Plans Ad Hoc Subcommittee and the release of a City-wide survey.


(9) Committee Report 24-06: Human Resource and Payroll (HRP) Project Update - Report regarding the progress of the HRP Project transition and its impact on staff.



(10) Request for Future Agenda Items


(11)  Next Regular Meeting Dates:

  •  February 1, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

  • March 7, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

  • April 4, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

  • May 2, 2024 – Regular Meeting (In-Person with live broadcast/teleconference option for participation from the public)

(12)  Adjournment

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