Covid-19 Coronavirus FAQs

What COVID-19 resources are available through LAwell?

For up-to-date questions and answers about your COVID-19 resources under LAwell, visit the COVID-19 Resource page.


In August 2021, the City of Los Angeles adopted City Ordinance 187134, requiring all City employees to prove their COVID-19 vaccination status or apply for an exemption. Any questions about the vaccine mandate should be directed to the employee’s HR; a list of HR contacts is available here.

The LAwell Program cannot comment to or address any portion of the COVID vaccine mandate, or the City’s enforcement actions resulting from City Ordinance 187134.

The following Frequently Asked Questions apply to LAwell Program-provided coverage only:

If I am put off duty due to my vaccination status, what happens to my LAwell Program coverages including medical, dental, vision, etc.?

LAwell program rules remain unchanged and will be fully enforced to all employees receiving LAwell coverage. Therefore, any employee who goes off duty due to the vaccine mandate will be treated like any unpaid leave and subject to direct billing or cancelation. Please see the Leaves and Reduced Hours section of the FAQs or review pages 56 and 63-65 of your annual Enrollment Guide for more information.

If I take compensated time when placed off duty, will I still receive a bill?

To continue having the City subsidy apply to your LAwell coverages, you must have minimum compensated hours (such as HW, SK, VC, etc.) each pay period as follows:

  • Full-time employees – at least 40 hours
  • Half-time employees – at least 20 hours

Failure to maintain the minimum compensated hours in any single pay period will result in the City not paying the subsidy for your LAwell coverage. You will be billed for the full premium cost of your LAwell coverage for any pay period where minimum hours are not met.

What happens to my LAwell coverage if I don’t pay my bill while off duty?

The billing notice will outline your options and deadlines to pay. Failure to pay a bill will result in termination of coverage retroactively. If the LAwell coverage termination is a COBRA-eligible termination, a COBRA notice will be generated providing you a secondary option to continue coverage.

When does my LAwell coverage restart if I return to work?

Coverages terminated do not restart until an employee meets LAwell eligibility requirements after returning to work, as follows:

  • Employees who return to work in the same calendar year as LAwell coverage termination will have their LAwell coverages automatically reinstated prospectively after their eligibility - including the minimum compensated hours requirement - are verified by LAwell.
  • Employees who return to work in a different calendar year then when LAwell coverage was terminated will receive an offer to elect coverage after eligibility is verified, and coverage will not be in effect until the employee makes an election or defaults into coverage, as outlined on the benefits offer.

Please Note: The results of a Skelly process will not retroactively change the provision of LAwell coverage. Employees needing to continue coverages during an employment termination period should not wait for the results of the Skelly process and should take immediate action in one of the following ways:

  1. through COBRA enrollment, when they receive their COBRA offer from LAwell,
  2. through a Civil Service Commission (CSC) health continuation option, but only if you appeal your termination with the CSC (see question below), or
  3. independently through a non-City of LA coverage option, such as the Healthcare Marketplace:

What happens to my LAwell coverage if I separate employment due to my vaccine status?

Any separation of employment – other than retirement through LACERS – results in same day termination of LAwell coverage. Your City of Los Angeles employment termination effective date will be the last day of your LAwell coverage.

Due to City record/payroll processing, it may take multiple weeks before your healthcare providers receive termination notice. Any healthcare services rendered after your City of Los Angeles employment termination date are uncovered services, and you will eventually receive a bill from the provider for those services rendered.

A COBRA offer will be made to any employment termination event for coverages in force at the time of employment termination. Successful enrolment into COBRA and payment of COBRA premiums is required to have any services rendered after employment termination treated as covered services under the terms of the City’s group plan.

Additionally, employees who enter into a Skelly process and appeal their employement termination with the Civil Service Commission (CSC) may also receive a “HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE WHILE ON APPEAL FROM DISCHARGE OR SUSPENSION” notice from the CSC informing them of their ability to continue medical coverage while they await the result of their appeal. Employees wishing to continue medical coverage must contact the Employee Benefits Division within 10 days of receiving this notice to opt into this option.

Can I get free COBRA coverage through the American Rescue Plan?

The American Rescue Plan Act provided an option for involuntary terminated coverage to be continued for free, but only during the months of April 2021 to September 2021. Any COBRA coverage from October 2021 forward is subject to full payment of COBRA premiums.

To view the full PDF regarding the new Vaccine Mandate policy and LAwell Coverage, click here.

Notice of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements of Ordinance No. 187134

Note: This FAQ is separated into two categories based on criteria employees may fall under. Please be sure to review the section that pertains to you.


As of October 20, 2021, I am not fully vaccinated for COVID-19 and I have not filed for a medical or religious exemption from receiving the COVID-19 vaccination. What are the next steps?

You will be provided with an option to extend the compliance date to become fully vaccinated to December 18, 2021. You will be emailed and/or contacted by HR or a supervisor and given a Notice of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Requirements agreement to review and sign if you agree with the terms of the agreement.

How much time do I have to submit the Notice of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy agreement?

You have 24-hours to submit a signed agreement form.

What happens after I sign the agreement?

Until you become fully vaccinated, you will be subject to COVID-19 testing. You will need to activate your Bluestone account. Bluestone is a vendor that the City is using to administer COVID-19 testing.

How often do I have to test?

You will have to complete a self-administered COVID-19 test twice weekly.

When and where do I complete the COVID-19 tests?

You will receive additional information from HR about self-administered test kits pick-up and drop-off locations. However, the testing process must be completed on your own time, not during your working hours.

Who pays for the testing?

In accordance with the agreement, you agree to pay the cost of the tests. Each test is $65. The cost will be collected through automatic payroll deduction.

Do I have to wait for testing results before I can report to work?

No, you can continue working while your lab results are pending. If your results return positive, you will be contacted and you should not report to work.

What happens if I do not sign this agreement?

If you do not sign the agreement, you will be placed off duty without pay because you are failing to meet a condition of employment. Under Ordinance 187134, being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 is a condition of employment as of October 20, 2021.

Can I use compensated time if I am placed off work?

You will be approved to use any compensated time that you have available, as appropriate.

What happens during the time that I am off-duty?

You will be off duty pending the Skelly process. You will be served with a Proposed Notice of Separation and scheduled for a Skelly meeting.

If I decide to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, can I return to work?

If you receive a first dose of a two-dose or the single dose COVID vaccination, you should contact your department HR staff identified in this list. You will need to submit a signed Notice of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Requirements agreement and comply with the testing listed above.

How do I update my vaccination status?

Once you are fully vaccinated, you can upload proof of your vaccination status to Bluestone. Click here for further information on Bluestone services, including how to set up your account.


As of October 20, 2021, I am not fully vaccinated but I have filed a medical or religious exemption from the COVID-19 vaccination. What are the next steps?

You need to ensure that your exemption request forms are submitted to Bluestone for review. b. You will be emailed and/or contacted by HR or a supervisor and provided with a Notice of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy Requirements agreement to review and sign.

How much time do I have to submit the Notice of Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccination Policy agreement?

You have 24-hours to submit a signed agreement form.

What happens after I sign the agreement?

While your exemption request is being reviewed, you will be subject to COVID-19 testing. You will need to activate your Bluestone account. Bluestone is a vendor that the City is using to administer COVID-19 testing.

How often do I have to test?

You will have to complete a self-administered COVID-19 test twice weekly.

When and where do I complete the COVID-19 tests?

You will receive additional information from HR about self-administered test kits pick-up and drop-off locations. However, the testing process must be completed on your own time, not during your working hours.

Who pays for the testing?

Based on your response in the agreement, you agree to pay the cost of the tests. Each test is $65. The cost will either be collected through automatic payroll deduction or you will receive an invoice for the cost.

Do I have to wait for testing results before I can report to work?

No, you can continue working while your lab results are pending. If your results return positive, you will be contacted and you should not report to work.

What happens if my medical or religious exemption is approved?

If your exemption is approved, your department will engage you in the reasonable accommodation interactive process. The City will reimburse you for any payments received and/or cancel and outstanding invoices.

Will I still have to test if my exemption is approved?

Yes, you will continue to test one time a week pending the completion of the reasonable accommodation interactive process. The cost of testing will be covered by the City.

What if my medical or religious exemption is denied?

If your exemption and/or appeal is denied, you will be provided an opportunity to become fully vaccinated for COVID-19. You will have no more than twenty-eight (28) calendar days from the date of having received the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine of a two-dose regimen to receive the second dose of a two-dose vaccine regimen.

What if I elect not to receive the COVID-19 vaccination after being denied a medical or religious exemption?

You will be placed off duty without pay because you are failing to meet a condition of employment. Under Ordinance 187134, being fully vaccinated for COVID-19 is a condition of employment as of October 20, 2021.

What happens during the time that I am off-duty?

You will be off duty pending the Skelly process. You will be served with a Proposed Notice of Separation and scheduled for a Skelly meeting.

If I decide to receive the COVID-19 vaccination, can I return to work?

If you receive a first dose of a two-dose or the single dose COVID vaccination, you should contact your department HR staff identified in this list for additional requirements to allow you to return pending your full vaccination.

How do I update my vaccination status?

Once you are fully vaccinated, you can upload proof of your vaccination status to Bluestone. Click here for further information on Bluestone services, including how to set up your account.

To view the full PDF regarding COVID policy FAQs, click here.