1) Call to Order
2) Public Comments
3) Minutes – Recommendation to approve the minutes of the May 29, 2013 Special Meeting, the June 6, 2013 Regular Meeting, the June 11, 2013 Special Meeting and the June 13, 2013 Special Meeting.
4) 2014 Flex Medical Provider Selection – Recommendation to select Kaiser Permanente as the non-Staff model medical plan provider for a three year contract term, subject to the successful negotiation of contract terms.
5) JLMBC Ad Hoc Subcommittees - Recommendation to convene the following JLMBC Ad Hoc Subcommittees:
i. Wellness Strategy – The proposed subcommittee would review and explore options for the City to implement a Wellness strategy for Flex participants and provide a summary report with recommendations to the JLMBC.
ii. Kaiser Medical Plan Costs – The proposed subcommittee would review the Kaiser premium rate increase and rate structure and provide a summary report with recommendations to the JLMBC on ways to mitigate rate increases.
6) 2013 International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plan Conference, Flex Benefits Third Party Administrator Site Visit, and Site Visit to Blue Shield Call Center – Recommendation to approve funding for four staff members and available JLMBC members to attend the IFEBP conference, two staff members to attend a TPA site visit, and two staff members to visit Blue Shield Call center.
7) Staff Presentation on Blue Shield Provider Implementation for PY 2014
8) Staff Presentation on 2014 Open Enrollment Campaign Overview and Wellness Activities
9) Health Care Reform Update
10) Discussion of Benefits Provided to Active City Employees
11) Next meeting date: September 5, 2013
12) Adjournment