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JLMBC Special Meeting




1) Call to Order

2) Public Comments


3)  Minutes – Recommendation to approve the minutes of the August 1, 2013 regular Meeting.

4)  2014 Flex Plan Implementation and Medical Carrier Transition Report - Recommendation to receive and file staff’s report regarding the 2014 Flex Plan implementation activities and update on the transition from Anthem Blue Cross to Blue Shield medical plan carrier.

5)  Healthcare Flexible Spending Account – Recommendation that the JLMBC defer implementation of the recent U.S. Department of the Treasury and the IRS modification to the “use-or-lose” rule for health flexible spending arrangements (FSAs) and instruct staff to report on the feasibility to implement the new option in 2014.

6)  Accountable Care Act (ACA) Update - Recommendation to receive and file staff’s report regarding the impact of the Accountable Care Act on the Flex Benefits Program.

7)  Election of 2014 JLMBC Chair and Co-Chair - Recommendation to hold annual election of JLMBC Chair and Co-Chair positions.

8)  2014 JLMBC Meeting Schedule - Recommendation to approve the proposed JLMBC meeting schedule for calendar year 2014.


9)  Ad Hoc - Medical Plan Cost Containment Update – Verbal report regarding meeting held on November 7, 2013.

10)  Ad Hoc – Wellness Update - Verbal report regarding meeting held on November 12, 2013.

10)  Discussion of Benefits Provided to Active City Employees


11)  Next meeting date: January 2, 2014

12)  Adjournment

August 1

JLMBC Special Meeting