1) Call to Order
2) Public Comments
3) 2014 Flex Medical Provider Selection – Receive and file Mercer and Staff’s findings related to the Flex Medical Request for Proposal (RFP) Results and
a. Instruct staff to invite top RFP proposers to make a presentation at the Special JLMBC meeting on June 11, 2013;
b. Instruct Mercer and staff to request top bidders submit a best and final offer as outlined in the RFP; and
c. Approve staff recommendations to select Kaiser Permanente and Anthem Blue Cross as the medical plan providers for a three year contract term, subject to the successful negotiation of contract terms.
4) 2014 Flex Benefits Plan Design Consideration/Options - Recommendation to consider plan design options for Plan Year 2014 including the following:
a. Change Flex Medical Plan Default to Lowest Cost HMO Plan
b. Network Type Options
c. Increase Copays of Deductibles
d. Other plan design changes
5) Health Care Reform Update
6) Discussion of Benefits Provided to Active City Employees
7) Next meeting dates: June 11, 2013 and June 13, 2013
8) Adjournment