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JLMBC Regular Meeting




(1) Call to Order
(2) Public Comments


(3) Minutes – Recommendation to approve the minutes of the June 18, 2015 special meeting.

(4) Committee Report No. 15-17: Employee Benefits Trust Fund Review - Recommendation to:

a. Receive and file Employee Benefits Trust Fund for Fiscal Year 2012-13 and Fiscal Year 2013-14;

b. Request staff to research and report back on options for securing the resources of an external auditor in reviewing and validating Trust Fund activity and to provide recommendations for implementing best practices in trust Fund monitoring and accounting on a go-forward basis; and

c. Request that staff report back at the next meeting with further details and recommendations as to the execution of refunds to Flex Plan members.

(5) Committee Report 15-18: Request to Approve Reimbursements from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund – Recommendation to approve reimbursements from the Employee Benefits Trust Fund to the Personnel Department for salary expenditures in the amount of $54,627.28 for the Second Quarter and Third Quarter of Fiscal Year less adjustments for the prior Fiscal Year and the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 14/15.

(6) Committee Report 15-19: Ad Hoc Wellness Subcommittee Update – Recommendation to receive and file status report regarding activities of the Ad Hoc Wellness Subcommittee.

(7) Committee Report 15-20: International Foundation of Employee Benefits Plans (IFEBP) - Recommendation to approve funding for two staff member and available JLMBC members to attend the IFEBP Conference in November 2015 in Honolulu, Hawaii.

(8) Committee Report 15-21: Affordable Care Act Shared Responsibility and Tax Reporting Update: Recommendation to receive and file report from staff regarding update on the Affordable Care Act Employer Shared Responsibility reports and tax reporting.

(9) Committee Report 15-22: Staff Report - Recommendation to receive and file report from staff regarding upcoming meetings/projects, staffing/subcommittee assignments, and the following information items related to administration of the City’s Flex Benefits Program:

-  Controller’s Office Comparative Review of City’s Health Plans

-  Employee Benefits Consulting and Communication Services RFP

-  Mercer Benefits Central Portal Upgrade


(10)  Requests for Future Agenda Items

(11)  Next Regular Meeting date: September 3, 2015

(12)  Adjournment

July 2

JLMBC Regular Meeting - CANCELED

September 3

JLMBC Regular Meeting