Employees who terminate City employment, or who otherwise terminate LAwell benefits at any time, and subsequently return to City employment in a different plan year, are considered “Rehire” employees. Rehired employees will receive a new benefits package in the mail when they become benefit eligible. If you do not enroll in LAwell benefits by the deadline identified in your benefits package, you will be defaulted into the default coverage identified in your benefits package. Rehired employees do not have LAwell benefits coverage until they enroll or default into LAwell coverage. Contact the Employee Benefits Division at 213-978-1655 if you do not receive a benefits package within four to six weeks after returning to work or to confirm your effective date.

Example of Rehire Employee:

Sam, a City employee, transfers to DWP on December 17, 2023. Sam returns to City employment in a different LAwell benefits calendar year on March 10, 2024. For LAwell benefits purposes, Sam is considered a “rehire” employee.

Employees who terminate City employment, or who otherwise terminate LAwell benefits at any time, and subsequently return to City employment in the same plan year, are considered “Reinstate” employees and will have their former benefits elections reinstated once they become benefits-eligible. Reinstate employees will receive a confirmation statement in the mail and will have a period of time to make corrections/changes to their reinstated benefits. Reinstate employees do not have LAwell benefits coverage until the LAwell program has determined the effective date. Log in to your Benefits Central Portal account or call the Employee Benefits Division at 213-978-1655 to confirm your effective date.

Example of Reinstate Employee:

Beth, a City employee, resigns from the City on May 3, 2023. Beth returns to City employment in the same LAwell benefits calendar year on November 18, 2023. For LAwell benefits purposes, Beth is considered a “reinstate” employee.

* Returning to City employment in a new job classification will not be considered as new hire employment status for benefits purposes. Benefits enrollment requirements will be reflected as a continued employment.